Good Chicken Gardens, LLC

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Is Turkey Safe for Chickens? A Quick Guide

If you’re wondering whether chickens can eat turkey, the answer is yes—with a few precautions. Cooked turkey meat can be a tasty, protein-rich treat for your flock. Protein is essential for healthy growth, feather development, and egg production, making turkey a beneficial occasional snack. Be sure the turkey is relatively plain and offered in small, manageable pieces to prevent choking.

However, avoid giving your chickens processed turkey products like deli meat or turkey seasoned with garlic, onions, or excessive salt. These additives can be harmful to chickens, potentially causing digestive upset or other health issues. Also, steer clear of feeding raw turkey, as it may carry harmful bacteria that can put your flock at risk.

In short, cooked turkey can be a nutritious treat for your flock. Just be mindful of portion sizes and seasonings like onions and ensuring their primary diet remains balanced to meet their daily nutritional needs.