Chickens are low-maintenance pets, but they’re not entirely ‘no-maintenance.’ Preventative care is the key for stopping problems before they arise. Over the past few years, I’ve discovered four simple ways to keep my flock healthy without spending excessive time and money. I hope you find these tips helpful and informative!

1 – Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous Earth is essential for chicken keepers because it’s a highly effective natural treatment for mites and other insect issues. This extremely fine powder grinds up and dehydrates insects, but it also poses a risk. Chickens have very fragile respiratory systems, so a fine powder like this can be dangerous for both the chickens and their keeper. Always wear a mask when using Diatomaceous Earth, and be careful to use small amounts. I sprinkle a tiny (TINY!) amount in each nesting box and mix it into the woodchips so that every bird coats their feet and belly when they lay eggs as a preventative mite treatment. Make sure to fully air out the coop before allowing your birds back in! Additionally, if your chickens scratch at the bedding in your coop, this might not be the safest option. At Good Chicken Gardens, the girls only go to the nesting box to lay, so the risk of respiratory irritation is low.

2 – Echinacea Tea
Speaking of respiratory issues, there’s a preventative measure for that too! Coneflower, or Echinacea, has been shown in studies to benefit chickens in multiple ways, including preventing coccidiosis and helping to fight respiratory issues. Coccidiosis is a gastrointestinal illness caused by a protozoan that primarily affects young birds (less than 4 weeks old) because their immune systems are not fully developed. Although older birds can also contract coccidiosis, it’s much less common. As for respiratory illnesses, many poultry respiratory diseases are viral, meaning they don’t respond to antibiotics. At Good Chicken Gardens, the chickens get one cup of Echinacea tea in their water once a week. This routine has been effective in clearing up the occasional runny nose that crops up in the flock during winter. Plus, it adds a bit of enrichment to their lives, providing them with something different and interesting!

3 – Apple Cider Vinegar (with the Mother)
While there are numerous online claims that apple cider vinegar is a cure-all for every flock issue, that’s an exaggeration. But it is an easy way to help your birds gain weight and boost their immune systems. Adding apple cider vinegar to your flock’s water can improve nutrient absorption in their intestines, which in turn passes more nutrition along to the eggs. It’s also an effective preventative treatment for coccidiosis and has antibacterial properties that help prevent other infections in your flock. However, it’s important to note that apple cider vinegar must be properly diluted because it is highly acidic which can harm your chicken’s beak, throat, and crop. At Good Chicken Gardens, the flock usually gets a tablespoon in their water once a week, but you can definitely add it more often as long as you never exceed 2% Apple Cider Vinegar in the water.

4 – Electrolytes