Good Chicken Gardens, LLC

Hang in there...

Can Chickens Eat Beans? A Critical Safety Guide

Beans can be a dangerous food for chickens if not prepared correctly. Raw or undercooked beans contain a compound called lectin which is highly toxic to chickens and can cause severe digestive distress or even death. As few as a handful of raw beans can be fatal to a chicken, making them a food to handle with great caution.

Cooked beans, however, are safe for chickens to eat. Proper cooking destroys the harmful lectin, making beans a nutritious treat packed with protein and fiber. If you choose to feed your flock beans, ensure they are fully cooked, unseasoned, and given in moderation to supplement their regular diet. Avoid canned beans that may contain added salt or preservatives.

In summary, while cooked beans can be a healthy snack, raw or undercooked beans are highly toxic and should never be fed to chickens. Always prioritize safety and stick to prepared treats to keep your flock healthy and happy.