Good Chicken Gardens, LLC

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Marigolds: A Gardener’s Best Friend

Marigolds are vibrant, cheerful flowers that add a splash of color to any garden. Beyond their visual appeal, marigolds offer numerous benefits that make them a valuable addition to your garden. From pest control to soil health, these hardy flowers can enhance your garden’s productivity and beauty. In this post, we’ll explore the many benefits of growing marigolds, their edible qualities, and how to collect seeds for future planting.

1. Natural Pest Control

One of the most significant benefits of marigolds is their ability to repel garden pests. Marigolds emit a scent that deters many common pests, helping to protect your plants without the need for chemical pesticides.

  • Nematode Control: Marigolds are particularly effective at repelling nematodes, tiny soil-dwelling worms that can damage plant roots. The roots of marigolds release compounds that suppress nematode populations.
  • Insect Deterrence: The strong fragrance of marigolds deters insects like aphids, whiteflies, and beetles. Planting marigolds around vegetable gardens can help keep these pests at bay.

2. Companion Planting

Marigolds make excellent companion plants, working in harmony with other garden plants to promote growth and deter pests. They are particularly beneficial when planted alongside vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, and beans.

  • Tomatoes: Marigolds help protect tomatoes from nematodes and other pests. Planting marigolds near your tomato plants can improve their overall health and yield.
  • Beans: Marigolds can repel Mexican bean beetles, protecting your bean plants from damage.

3. Attracting Beneficial Insects

While marigolds deter harmful pests, they also attract beneficial insects that help pollinate plants and control pest populations.

  • Pollinators: Marigolds attract bees, butterflies, and other pollinators that are essential for the reproduction of many garden plants.
  • Predatory Insects: Marigolds can attract predatory insects like ladybugs and lacewings, which feed on pests like aphids and caterpillars.

4. Soil Health Improvement

Marigolds can improve soil health by adding organic matter and nutrients as they decompose. Their deep root systems also help to aerate the soil, promoting better water infiltration and root growth for neighboring plants.

5. Edible Flowers

Did you know that marigolds are edible? Their petals can be used to add color and flavor to salads, soups, and other dishes. Marigold petals have a slightly citrusy taste and can be a beautiful and nutritious addition to your meals.

  • Culinary Uses: Use marigold petals to garnish salads, add color to rice dishes, or infuse into herbal teas. They are also used in some traditional medicines and cosmetics.

6. Seed Collection

Marigolds are easy to grow from seed, and you can save seeds from your plants to use in future gardens. Allow some of your marigold plants to go to seed and follow these simple steps to collect and store seeds:

  • Harvesting Seeds: Once the flower heads have dried and turned brown, gently remove them from the plant. Break open the dried flower heads to release the seeds.
  • Storing Seeds: Store the seeds in a cool, dry place in an envelope or paper bag. Label the seeds with the variety and date of collection. Properly stored marigold seeds can remain viable for several years.


Marigolds are more than just a pretty face in the garden. Their natural pest-repelling properties, ability to attract beneficial insects, and contribution to soil health make them an invaluable addition to any garden. Plus, their edible flowers and easy seed collection add to their appeal. Whether you’re an experienced gardener or just starting, consider planting marigolds to enjoy their many benefits and brighten up your garden.

Happy gardening!