Good Chicken Gardens, LLC

Hang in there...

Gardening Plans 2025 – Seeds and Seedlings

Plans are being made

As the buds start to pop out all around us, ideas start popping into my head and seeds start to pile up in corners of my living room. It is almost spring planting season! In this post I am hoping to walk you through the beginnings of the plans I am putting to action.

I have drawn up my garden plans but they include a lot of new plants I haven’t grown before. I think some of my plans have plants with different watering needs directly beside each other, so I definitely need to revise that before sharing with anyone!

Thankfully, my seed list is pretty much complete so I am going to go through that in this post to kind of show the process of planning.

Before I can plan for what I want, I begin by acknowledging what I have. Over the past three years the food forest has slowly but surely grown into a lovely little oasis. Our current plants list is a beautiful sight.

Already In The Garden

Rose (2 Varieties)Tulips
Snowball TreeIris (2 Varieties)
Lady fernVirginia Spiderwort *
Forsythia *Azalea
English Ivy *Hosta
Japanese MapleWood Sorrel
CrocusesJapanese Honeysuckle *
LimeGarden Sage

Bold items are edible. *Invasive Handle With Care

The above table fills me with joy because these are all established producers that I have successfully grown and am confident about bringing to market. But, as a big fan of stretching beyond my comfort zone, I have also picked up some new plant varieties over the winter that I am currently hoarding in a reusable bag in my living room. This list is small, but exciting!

Seeds I Already Have

Blue Butterfly PeasSunflower
Zinnia (3 Varieties)Montbretia *
GladiolusBlack Eyed Susan
NasturtiumBlack-Eyed Peas
Echinacea (Coneflower)

Bold items are edible. *Invasive Handle With Care

This table needs to approximately double in size over the next three weeks because I also need a lot of seeds to finish my plans for my established beds.

Seeds I Need

TomatoesLemon Verbena
Native WildflowerMilkweed (2 varieties)
CarrotsGreen Beans
Bell PeppersTabasco Peppers

Bold Items are edible

A few of these seeds will need to be ordered online but most of the seeds I need can be found at my favorite locally-owned one-stop-shop for vegetable seeds, Marietta Seed & Feed! They are my favorite local place to shop for seeds and it had that classic small-town vibe.

Some of these plants, like the tomatoes and peppers, needed to be started indoors a few weeks ago. Unfortunately my greenhouse was destroyed this winter and I haven’t had the opportunity to rebuild yet so I didn’t get to start as many early seeds as I wanted. So I will be looking to another local-owned business for help, Lady Slipper Rare Plant Nursery!

Final frost is around March 30th! Stay tuned for my post featuring the layout and locations of my garden beds.